logo Virtual Environment for Research Data and Analysis (VERDA)

-Jens Krüger, Halima Saker, Stephan Hachinger and Mukund Biradar



Research Data Management

Research Context

Research context



Annotated Research Context

Research context

Why ordered data and annotations are necessary;

Worst case scenario: Order Data Annotation

Why such folder structures are necessary

Keep your data ordered and systematic, otherwise you and your colleagues will only solve stupid riddles all day. Instead of different names in one folder, create different consistent states (datasets / versions).

folder csdate

What it means for you (1)

I.Order your investigation (one ore more - big research project(s) you have in TRR) in your mind: What are your: II.Have one main folder for your investigation, with subfolders III.Have one folder for each study (e.g studies/my-cool-study) and one for each assay (e.g. assays/plant-n454312-lab2), and inside Help!

What it means for you (2)

Help! Data Plant Guide

Work plan / status

WP1: Research Data Management System

RDM System Component RDM System Component

WP3: Biocuration and data stewardship

RDM System Component

Creating an ELIXIR ID

Logging in

Get Elixir ID


Visit Lifescience!

LifeSciencelogin LifeSciencelogin


A Communication and Collaboration Tool

Element as a communication and collaboration tool

Secure Messaging


Cross-Platform Compatibility

Element cross platform

Element Login

Elementlogin Elementlogin Elementlogin

Rooms and Communities

Rooms and Community

Group Chat and Direct Messaging

For Reference

File and Media Sharing

For Reference

Voice Call

Emojis, Reactions, and Formatting


user-friendly interface and customization options


Features to integrate

Data Handling


Why TRR Gitlab and not (only) your disk

> Store your data securely > Share your data > Have your data ready for processing at both sites(Tübingen/Munich) > What is Gitlab?

Logging in

Creating a group

Creating a Project

Editing a File

Making a Directory Structure

Uploading a File

Downloading the Entire Repo

Commit History: Single File


first steps/ideas

Features to offer - work with data


Features to integrate - systems interplay (a first idea)



> We like to empower you to > Gitlab (work in progress) will enable you to > First Gitlab workshop coming soon!

Thanks for your attention, and remember: always keep your data management journey filled with smile!